As I wrap up this article series, I am full of gratitude and hope for the future. My second book has been out for almost two months and my heart is so happy. Since launching my book, I have heard some good things about it and Lucy's story. I look forward to continuing her story in future books. Yes, there will be plenty more stories to devour in the coming years - I am far from done. As I grow, Lucy will grow. She and I are one and the same.
I have grown so much since I started the Will You Love Me Again Series characters in 2016. Back then, they were just a dream and a roadblocked story. Maybe one day, I'll circle back to the now pre-sequel of this series, but until then I'll just have to keep y'all wondering. Because I was 20 and I had no idea where this story and characters would go. Now, at 25, I see the progress of my words and dreams coming true. Lucy and her gang are a part of me; I am a part of them. Now, y'all are, too.
I can't thank all of my supporters enough for supporting my daydream and loving these books as much as I do.
Lucy means the absolute world to me. She's helped me grow and heal more than I even know. I didn't know when I created her that she'd become my saving grace from lonely days, heartache, and worthlessness. But over the last few years, she has been that constant occurrence in my life. When I would lose friends and love interests, I could always turn to my girl Lucy to go on an adventure and write something amazing to comfort me. She was the one thing in my life that I couldn't push out of existence because she lives in me.
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart
- Phil Collins, Tarzan

I even started making Instagram Reels to have a little fun promoting my books. Let me tell y'all, I've had loads of fun creating and sharing them. It was a new avenue for me, but I've loved it. I hope y'all have, too.
Where Will We Go?: A Sequel wouldn't be possible without all my preorder peeps. I am beyond thankful for all the early and continued interest in my book baby. To those who order ed ordered both Will You Love Me Again? and the second book, thank you times a million for wanting the entire series so far. I can't wait for y'all to read the next book. In just a few short months, I'll be sharing more of the next part in Lucy's story with the world. I can't wait to spill my guts about her future. Y'all she's striving and I am a proud creator!
When I was 20 years old, all of this was just a dream in my head. A wish for the future. A hope inside of me waiting to escape. Screaming to be heard.

At 25 years old, I am finally able to scream, "I'm a 2x Published Author!"
I couldn't be more thankful for this dream that lead me to my writing journey. I am making that little girl inside of me, who wanted to write at only the age of 10, very happy. Fifteen years later, I have two books under my belt and a third in progress. The sky's the limit, my friends.
Book 3 (What's Next, Lucy?) Updates: Keep your eyes on my social media pages on bi-weekly on Fridays.

I have enjoyed writing this article series about my book, Where Will We Go? If you’d like to get a copy, you can find it on Amazon. I'd love to connect! You can reach me here via email: or connect with me on social: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.