Heartbreak isn't the end, it is actually the beginning. Yes, getting your heart shattered sucks, but sometimes that moment can open up so many doors. One end creates a place for something new to begin. Right? Exactly!
In my book, Where Will We Go? I wanted to show that your life doesn't suddenly stop after a devasting heartbreak. Instead, you can learn to grow and heal while creating something new for yourself or even landing something new. The possibilities are endless. Dreaming doesn't stop because one friendship, relationship, or job didn't work out. Oftentimes, it can be the best thing for us. Yes, it'll take time to feel okay again, and that is perfectly fine.
Remember that you can heal from heartbreak. You can find something else that makes your heart scream with joy. Sometimes it comes during those painful moments and that's okay. Embrace the pain, the new, and keep pushing forward with all your strength.
Be who you are and the rest will fall into place.
Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness. - Steve Maraboli
Enjoy an early preview of my Author's Note. Stay Tuned for more information on my latest book release.
“Maybe there’s something you’re afraid to say, or someone you’re afraid to love, or somewhere you’re afraid to go. It’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt because it matters.”
— John Green
Dear Readers,
I choose to rise above all the pain.
I wrote this book during a very dark and confusing time in my life. Two years after a major heartbreak, I was still triggered by internal failure. I felt lost and hopeless.
Writing had always been my escape, my oasis from the world. I leaned into it and embedded my deepest and darkest moments into Lucy’s world. She is my vessel of hope and light. My saving grace when I see no way out of my own torment.
I want to share stories of hope with you, to show you that hope is possible after any heartbreak in your life. This book is for the happy, sad, successful, failure,
adventurous soul, romantic, and heartbroken person out there in the world. No matter what struggle or exciting moment you are facing, this book is for every moment. Life is beautiful and messy—cherish every bit.
Heartbreak comes in many shapes and forms throughout our lives, but it doesn’t have to take you down with it. You can either rise above or give in.
In my debut book Will You Love Me Again? Lucy’s husband cheated on her.
Although I have never been cheated on, I knew what it felt like to have everything turned upside-down in a split second. I started to question why I wasn’t enough for my ex-boyfriend, even though I was miserable in that relationship. I found an outlet to express my deepest darkest feelings in Where Will We Go? That, in turn, helped me grow and heal.
I didn’t handle my breakup with a positive mindset. Lucy experiences the pain,
then slowly comes to terms with her new beginning. But her heartbreak wasn’t her final chapter, and neither was mine. We both had a lot to learn in our lives and needed closure and more chapters.
While writing this book, I faced my biggest demons—the way my ex used to make me feel, our memories, and our devastating ending. I drew on the pain and forced myself to not back down from the ache his very name brought me. After two years, he was still controlling my thoughts, but I finally said no more and began writing a new story—my story. Although this book is fiction, I weave in parts of my heartbreak trauma.
In 2021, I can say I am free. After facing my pain for what it was, heartbreak, I
found love again.
Before I found my forever love, I struggled with wanting to make new connections such as friends or a relationship after having my heart shattered multiple times. Those wants, needs, and desires of having something new were pushed to the back burner.
They became emotions farfetched. Instead of bottling up my hurt, I wanted to build a
the narrative that showed the aftermath of an earth-shattering heartbreak. I felt compelled to invite people to see the good and ugly parts of healing and finding yourself. For a long time, I didn’t feel comfortable with the healing process because I had to realize that my healing timeline wasn’t the same as anyone else’s. I had to learn how to accept my growth and keep pushing forward even when the world around me kept telling me to hurry up and bounce back. As if I were a robot trained to only experience emotions for a
limited time, but I’m human, and healing doesn’t work that way. Healing is a process that requires time, growth, reflection, and acceptance.
Our world paints a terrible picture of heartbreak, so paint a different picture. “Dream a better dream,” as Max says in The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Your life doesn’t suddenly stop, even if it seems like you are standing still. I promise there is hope after your heart shatters.
Heartbreak is a season in life when we can explore ourselves and the world around us. The aftermath is only the first stepping-stone, so how you handle that life the change will say a lot about your strength and ambition.
My story wasn’t over. Heartbreak was never my curtain call. Maybe it was my beginning.
My wish is for Lucy to be a symbol of hope and growth. If nothing else, she’ll provide strength through whatever heartbreak you may be going through. Embrace the pain.
With Love,
- A Note from the Author, Where Will We Go?
My hope is that you know that after every heartbreak there is a beautiful chapter starting soon. You just have to be patient. Sometimes beauty takes a minute to show itself.
Another thing...remember that everyone's healing timeline is different. Don't force yourself to heal faster than your emotions can handle it. Don't force someone else to heal faster so you can tolerance them - that is cruel and interrupts the healing process. Be kind and understanding with yourself and others, always, not just during the healing process.
Stay tuned for more. Grab a copy of my book for more of Lucy and her friends' adventures in Paris, France, and beyond.

In this article series, I share excerpts and stories from my book, Where Will We Go? I hope you enjoyed this post — if you enjoyed it and want to connect you can reach me here via email emilycraig.writer96@gmail.com or connect with me on social: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Also, you can also find my book on Amazon.