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Forgiving Yourself Devo

Writer: Emily CraigEmily Craig


In November 2019, I wrote this Meditation/Devo for Upper Room (a Christian Press) in hopes they would publish it. During that time, I was struggling with forgiving myself, so that is what I wrote about.

Fast forward to January 2021, my meditation was rejected for publication. BUT, it was only one step away from being published in their issue. My piece made it through every round except the last one.

"We want this to be the most encouraging rejection letter you have ever received. We recently looked at the meditation referenced above that you sent for possible publication in The Upper Room. After careful consideration, we decided not to use this piece. However, we believe you have promise, and we want you to try again. We do not say this to everyone.

You received notice some time ago saying that this piece was being held for further consideration. Only about one person in ten receives such news, so you were already in a select group. From those whose writing we keep, we choose an even smaller number of meditations to be edited for a specific issue. Your meditation was one of these. A group of editors looks at meditations in this group one by one. We discuss the meditations individually and also weigh them against others being considered for the issue at hand. That’s the point at which your work was eliminated. Very few potential writers make it to this point — about one in fifteen."

--- Excerpt from my rejection email from Upper Room


Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 (HCSB)

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come. (vs. 17)

Although this verse is short, the meaning is vast and allows the reader to dig deeper into its meaning. Because at first glance, forgiveness wasn’t the topic I connected to verse 17. When God forgives us, we are made new in Him, and the old is passed away. Then we are cleansed of the guilt we hold over ourselves, and we can then begin the process of forgiving ourselves as Christ has forgiven us. This year I took a hard look at the person I used to be, and I didn’t like the person I saw. My old self was mean not only to others but to herself. Ruthless fits the words that came from her mouth, and I know I have grown from that person. Yet, I still struggle with the damage she caused. I look back at the last year, I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that God brought me this far. He put me on a path where His forgiveness reigns, the road where He is telling me to forgive myself because I am made new through Him every day. After taking a hard look at my life, I decided to run back to God. I realized that every time something crumbled in my life, instead of running towards God, I ran the other way. Not anymore because I know God still welcomes me with open arms. Starting this process wasn’t easy because my old self couldn’t be consistent with anything. I still fall into those daily struggles, but with God, I know I can always get back on track.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for helping each of us forgive our wrongs and looking towards you.

Thought for the Day

Be patient with your progress.

Prayer Focus: Forgiving ourselves and others.


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