December brought so many big changes and even more exciting goal achievements! I never knew I could accomplish so much in under four weeks because usually, huge goals take me at least a few months to achieve. Not this time. On December fourth and fifth, I set out to self-publish my first book, but not the one I thought I’d be publishing first. I really didn’t think I’d publish my collection before my graduation date.
That Tuesday (4th) and Wednesday (5th), I set up my first EVER poetry and photography collection for publishing and purchase in softcover and PDF formats.
As of December 20th: My book is now able to purchase on Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad, and Andriod devices in ebook format!
After almost two weeks, I am still blown away by how easy Blurb made the publishing when I figured out the process.
Now, my first book is able to purchase at Blurb and my website.

I enjoyed writing these poems as well as experiencing the emotions and the lessons that came before them. I felt and learned a lot over the course of 2018 (all of this collection besides two), and learned some poetry techniques last year (my last two poems). Poetry helps me get my emotions out into beautiful creations that can be considered art which makes my heart happy. I would say that I took to poetry quite easily and look forward to self-publishing poems in the near future.
My photographs are mostly from my last photography course beside the photograph with the poem, “With You.” That photograph was taken this summer while my family and I were deep sea fishing and it captures my sister’s love for her boyfriend. Also, this photographs stands as one of many from when I was learning how to use my digital camera before my class started in August – definitely one of my favorites from this collection.
I hope you check out my book and purchase a copy – let me know in the comments what you think! I hope you enjoy the collection which truly captures the pieces of my heart.
Let post-grad adventures begin!