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A Love Letter To Myself

Writer: Emily CraigEmily Craig

Updated: Dec 6, 2019

By now everyone has heard of the new Rom-Com that hit Netflix in August, “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before,” which inspired this blog topic.

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A little background about the movie/book: Jenny Han author of the book, by the same name, created an Asian-American girl named Lara Jean Song Covey. She is beyond relatable on every level, from her quirkiness to how she deals with having a crush on a guy. LJ writes love letters to the guys she crushes on, a way to release her feelings and hopefully end her crush towards that guy. Here’s the catch: she doesn’t mail them, she addresses them and keeps them in a special keepsake box. Until one day, someone mails the letters and her world is flipped upside down. (If you haven’t read the book or watched the movie, go to Netflix now!)

Anyways, I recently stumbled upon a video that Netflix did with the cast of “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before,” and I was instantly intrigued by the concept. In this segment, they read love letters that they wrote to their younger selves. That got me thinking, what if I write a love letter to my current self? What would I say to me now? What advice would I give myself moving forward? I am currently in my last semester of college and about to embark on my post-grad life, what would I say as I move forward into the unknown word?


Dear Em,

September 10, 2018, you are in the last semester of your college career and things are a bit crazy right now, but I want to remind you that you’ve got this! You have so much capability to succeed and rise to the top of the writing world ladder. But, you have to allow yourself to succeed. Stop holding yourself back by thinking you can’t do it when you can. You deserve the absolute world, stop at nothing to achieve it.

There will be downfalls along the way as of today you’ve already seen that side of things; don’t let that stop you from writing and pushing forward. Life comes with success and failure, alike. Failure isn’t meant to stop you, it’s meant to show you how much you want of what is in front of you. Reach to new heights, keep practicing. Nothing comes easy because without hard work the feeling of succeeding isn’t as powerful. Getting knocked down is all a part of the journey because you learn to never give up on your dreams. If you never give up, the end results will be that much more incredible to achieve.

Remember to love yourself. You give all your love to everyone else, that is great, but remember to save a little of that loving for you. Show everyone your determination, hard work, courage, love, and happiness – for those are some of your greatest tools in life. I love who you are and who you are becoming. Never lose sight of who you are because, at the end of the day, all you have is yourself.

My advice to you as you near your next big step: Remember to look around a bit, don’t get caught up in your own little bubble. Explore. Reach to new heights and keep moving up the ladder even when someone pushes you down a notch. You are stepping into a world that can tear you down in a second flat, don’t let it. Never stop writing, even when it feels like you have no more to say, you do.

My advice for post-grad life: Don’t be scared of new experiences, people, and places, instead show the world you are ready to learn. Always ask questions. Be eager to step up for that writing assignment. Publish your work. Don’t let rejection scare you out of the writing world.

My advice for life, in general: Remember to live in the moment. Say that extra, “I love you.” Send that encouragement text. Conquer your fears. Love that person with all your heart. Continue to do what you love the most. Believe in yourself.

Lastly, I love you so very much. You’ve been through so much leading up to this point, but it has only made you stronger. I can’t wait to see all the dreams you make a reality in the near future.

With much love,




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